Free Online Kids 8 Ball Billiards Games
Pool Video Games

We offer a collection of thousands of free online games to help familiarize children with food, farming, cooking, the culinary arts, the restaurant business, and hospitality-related careers. As our games section became more popular we realized it made sense to expand to offer other gaming categories which promoted physical health.
Playing sports can help people develop teamwork skills while building sustainable physical health habits.
Pool Club
Pool Club is a billiards game where players have 90 seconds to score as many points as they can. Each stripe or solid ball you pocket is worth 50 points and adds 5 seconds to the remaining time clock. Hitting the cue ball into a pocket costs you 20 points. Clearing a rack is worth 750 points. If you have time left over after clearing a rack you get to keep playing another rack until time runs out.
Mafia Billiard Tricks
Mafia Billiard Tricks is a mobster story game where players learn new trick shots and hustle the pool scene. Follow the storyline and perfect your pool skills to work your way up the ranks.
Billiard Hustlers
Billiard Hustlers is a fun pool game where players have 60 seconds to clear the rack. Tables feature different ball layouts. Move the mouse cursor around the screen to set your aim and leverage the guidelines to adjust your shot. Left click, pull back, and release to shoot. Hit balls into the glowing pocket to activate the score bonus multiplier. As you progress through the game you level up, which allows you to play different pool tables using a variety of avatars and higher quality pool cues.
8 Ball Pool
8 Ball Pool is a simple game of pool. In single player mode knock all 15 balls in the pockets with the 8 ball pocketed last. If you scratch (pocket the cue ball) 3 times it is game over. Use your mouse to set up the aim line. If you release the left click when the cue stick is near the ball you will hit lightly, and if you release when fully pulled back you hit harder. In 2 player VS mode the first player is solids and the second player is stripes. The first player to pocket all their balls then the 8 ball wins. If you miss a shot, scratch, or knock a competitor's ball in then it is the opponent's turn. In either game mode players have 30 minutes to clear the table.
Ball Clash
Ball Clash is a 24-stage logic puzzle where players knock pool balls into holes around the edge of the table. Touch the cue ball with a finger or use your mouse left click button to select the cue ball and slide the direction you want it to travel. Each time a cue hits a ball the cue ball will stop on the square prior. Hit the balls in the correct order so that you can pocket all the balls on the table.
Pocket Pool
Pocket Pool is a 30-stage physics puzzle game themed after pool. Tap on wooden spinnable pieces to rotate them clockwise until they are in the correct position, then left click on the table background to charge up your shot and release to hit the pool cue. Sink the pool ball to move onto the next stage. If you make a mistake you can press the restart button in the upper left to play the stage again.
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