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Drift Boss Game Review

Drift Boss Game Background

Drift Boss is an idle tapping endless driving game. The game is set on a road floating above a bottomless abyss. Your goal is to keep the car driving on the road for as long as possible. If you drift too far in one direction, your car will drive off the road and fall into the abyss; game over.

The game was developed by MarketJS.

How to Play Drift Boss

First, select the gift button to redeem the daily reward for the day. Each consecutive day you play comes with a reward. You receive a reward for up to five days.

Select the play button on the welcome screen to begin. Before you start each session, you have the choice between up to three boosters:

  • Double score increases the score value of the distance you traveled.
  • Car insurance gives you another chance to play in the same session if you fall.
  • Coin rush increases the number of coins you encounter on the road.

The number on the booster’s icon indicates the number of them you currently have. You can also buy more of each booster; the cost of each is shown below their icons. You can pick all of them (or none) depending on how much you can afford. Once you’ve made your choice, select Start Drift to begin.

The car automatically drifts to the left. To drift to the right, left click with your mouse, tap with your finger, or press the space bar on your keyboard. The road twists and turns in 90 degree angles and contains pits and humps. Drift in the correct direction at the right time to stay on the road.

You earn points based on the distance you travel. Your browser saves your best score, which appears on the top center of the welcome screen.

Your car can jump if it moves past a hump. While jumping, you can change the car’s direction.

The car will pick up any coin that it passes through. Use these coins to pay for boosters and unlock upgraded cars. The coins you collected appear on the top left corner of the game screen.

After each session, the game gives you three options at the center of the screen:

  • The home button sends you back to the welcome screen.
  • The gift button, meanwhile, lets you view your available daily rewards.
  • Finally, the reset button lets you restart the game.

At times, the game will let you roll for a bonus before showing those options. The bonuses you receive are free boosters. You can also receive boosters and coins as daily rewards.

Basic Gameplay Advice

Ideally, you should only drift when you’re close to a bend in the road. Concentration and awareness is the key to getting past bends that are closer together. Pay attention to when you’ll need to drift.

Although the game does not have any levels, it does get more difficult as you play. The road gets progressively narrower and more perilous.

Activate the double score booster to increase your score.

Advanced Playing Tips & Strategy

Upgrade your vehicle as soon as you can afford it. Upgraded cars have better tire traction and will be much more forgiving of sudden turns. You can upgrade your vehicle up to seven times.

Jumping will move you forward at a large distance and can be a great way to increase your score assuming you land back on the road. Humps, of course, are not the only way to jump.

Sometimes, your car get stuck at a corner. If you stay in your original direction, you will build enough momentum and be catapulted upward when it hits any of the road’s corners at just the right angle.

Educational Aspects

The game trains concentration, timing, and patience. To score high, players must focus on when the car should change direction and time their moves with care. Players can also expect to start over multiple times before they start scoring big.

Player Age Recommendations

We recommend this game for players above toddler age. The game is ideal for people who want a simple idle tapping game to pass the time. The difficulty ramps up quickly as you advance through the game, with narrower roads and jumps, making this game enjoyable for players of all levels.


Drift Boss Game Screenshots

Drift Boss Game Welcome Screen. Drift Boss Game Booster Select Screen. Drift Boss Game Drifting Screenshot. Drift Boss Game Jumping Screenshot. Drift Boss Game Welcome Screen. Drift Boss Game Over Screen.

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