Free Online Kids Pipe Logic Puzzle Games
Plumber Logic Puzzle Video Games

We offer a collection of thousands of free online games to help familiarize children with food, farming, cooking, the culinary arts, the restaurant business, and hospitality-related careers. As our games section became more popular we realized it made sense to expand to offer other gaming categories which promoted developing strong mental health and mastering problem solving skills.
Playing brain games can help you master life problems outside of the gaming world. Fix pipe runs to serve soda or fix the plumbing for a village. Drink all the soda you can pour and solve a Spooky Pipes Puzzle - if you dare! :)
Plumber Soda
Plumber Soda is a pipe fitting logic puzzle game where you play as a boy or a girl arranging the pipes to get the soda to fill the big bottle at the end of the level.
Water The Village
Water the Village is a 24-level pipe logic game where players must run pipes to run cold and hot water to homes, and remove sewage from the homes which is then sent for treatment. You do not have to click the available pipes from the left column to use them. Rather you need only click from a house or pipe in the playing field and drag it along to where you want to connect it. You can double click on the timers to open water source valves & may need to in order to have hot and cold water temerpatures react correctly when some piping networks cross. After playing a level you can use the buttons in the lower left corner to replay the level or go to the level select screen and play a different level.
Pipe Beer
Pipe Beer is a pipe running game where you must create a run of pipes that keeps fluid flowing through them for as long as possible before reaching the end. Score bonus points by making long runs, though sometimes you have to waste extra pipe pieces and lose points for any pipes not connected to your run. When you lay pipe pieces you can lay them anywhere on the grid, but you can not change their directional orientation & only have a few seconds to lay them before fluids start flowing.
Pipe Way
Pipe Way is a fun 30-stage pipe logic game where the goal is to complete a pipe run connecting the top pipe to the bottom pipe. Select a pipe piece and rotate it clockwise 90 degrees by tapping on it. You can repeatedly tap any piece as many times as needed. Your run does not always need to use all pipe pieces and may have dangling edges as long as there is a complete path connecting top and bottom. Finish quickly to earn up to a 3-star rating on each level.
Spooky Pipes Puzzle
Spooky Pipes Puzzle is a 120-stage plumbing logic puzzle game. Tap or left click on any pipe segment to rotate it clockwise 90 degrees. Connect all the pipes of each color into a single run that uses all pipe segments. This game has a number of wrinkles over the typical pipe logic game. Witches come by and periodically turn some of your individual pipe pieces or the entire playing field. The game also periodically has thunder and lightning.
Plumper Pipe
Plumper Pipe is a pipe run laying game where the goal is to create a solid pipe run from the inlet to the exit square. Water almost instantly begins to flow from the inlet, requiring you to work quickly. Pipes which contain water in them show the water in blue. Select a piece of pipe you wish to change out with the mouse left click button and drag it to a location which has the piece you want. Pieces which have a question mark on them must be clicked first to reveal what they are. Pieces with ridges on them slow down the water flow. Metal blocks can not be moved and you must route your pipe path around them. After completing your pipe run tap on the red valve to release all the water to speed up the water flow.
PipePath Connect
PipePath Connect is a simple pipe spinning move where players complete plumbing lines from one of the inlets to one of the outlets. Left click on a pipe piece to rotate it clockwise 90 degrees and repeat the process until you complete a pipe run. The game has 2 different play modes: default and timed. In default play a pipe falls across each of the columns from left to right and players remove whichever pipes are part of a completed run from inlet to outlet. The default game mode scores points for each piece of pipe segment used and the game ends when one of the columns reaches the top of the playing field. In timed mode pipes consistently fill in the grid to make up for any pieces used, but players keep playing until they run out of time.
Rotative Pipes Puzzle
Rotative Pipes Puzzle is a 70-stage pipe run logic puzzle game. Tap on any pipe piece to rotate it clockwise 90 degrees. Align the pipes so all pipes of each individual color create a single pipe run connecting all the pipes of that color.
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