




Free Online Kids Drawing & Coloring Games

Pixel Art & Coloring Video Games

Coloring Games.

We offer a collection of thousands of free online games to help familiarize children with food, farming, cooking, the culinary arts, the restaurant business, and hospitality-related careers. As our games section became more popular we realized it made sense to expand to offer other gaming categories which promoted developing strong mental health and mastering problem solving skills.

Playing brain games can help you master life problems outside of the gaming world. This category features games like nonograms, paint by number, sticker art, and coloring games. Fun for all ages! :)

Pixel Painter

Pixel Painter Game.

Pixel Painter is a 20-stage paint by color game. This game is ideal for younger children who may be developing their motor skills as it only allows the paint feature to work in the correct squares and there is no way to lose a level, only a matter of how much time until the level is beat.

Paint Step2Step

Paint Step2Step Game.

Paint Step2Step is a simple 12-stage nonogram game where you can get up to 2 cells wrong on each level before losing on the third error. You can immediately replay any failed level again.

Pixel Artist

Pixel Artist Game.

Pixel Artist is a paint by number pixel art game featuring a variety of categories to choose from including foods, animals, humans, stuff, monsterls, plants, and vehicles. The food category contains 18 unique works, with the remaining categories containing 12 works each. You can color the works in any order, though color one dot at a time. Select a color swatch from the menu at the bottom and then tap into the artwork to color pixel by pixel until the work is complete. You can switch between the color swatches at any time. If you are struggling with a color consider completing other colors first. Colors turn into a checkmark when they are completed. You can tap and hold your left click button while moving your mouse to paint many adjacent tiles in a row the same color. You can zoom in or out on a work to make it easier to identify how complete your colors are and what cells still need colored. You can color over any incorrectly colored cells at any time. You can only color over a correctly colored cell if you are not marked as complete with that color. Once a color is marked as completed you can't color over it unless the cell was colored the wrong color. Completed works show up in full color on the level select screens, while partially completed works show a green status bar indicating how many of the dots have been colored correctly. Work on your favorite pictures & see if you can complete all 90 works.

Draw Pixels

Draw Pixels Game.

Draw Pixels is a pattern matching game where players paint one pixel at a time to try to match the artwork shown above. This game has 20 different pieces of pixel art which are unlocked one at a time. As soon as you complete an artwork the level is beat and the next is unlocked.

Color Time

Color Time Game.

Color Time is a simple coloring game with 10 different scenes to color. Select the scene you wish to color. Next choose which of the 24 colors from the right you want to use. Six colors are shown at a time & if you pick the bottom color the menu scrolls down 2 colors. Left of the color swatches are buttons for painting one stroke at a time, spraypainting an entire section, erasing errors, and taking a picture of the completed work.

Coloring Book Animals

Coloring Book Animals Game.

Coloring Book Animals is a simple coloring game featuring 6 animal scenes. Select which scene you would like to color and then select any of the 24 colors at the bottom of the screen to start coloring. To the right of the colors there is a button for making the color pouring narrower or wider. To the left of the colors there is an eraser button. The upper left of the interface has buttons to save your work as a .png file or print out your work. You can also print out uncolored pages to color offline.

Kid's Coloring Book

Kid's Coloring Book Game.

Kids Coloring Book is a scene coloring game featuring 3 foods and a dozen different animals. Select a scene you would like to color. Choose to use a pencil, paint brush, or pour paint & then select the apporporate color. Repeat the process for each section until your work is complete. When you are done with a work you can download your creation to your local computer as a .png file.

Christmas Coloring Book

Christmas Coloring Book Game.

Christmas Coloring Book is a simple virtual coloring book for young children. Select one of ten different scenes to color using the arrows on the sides of the welcome screen. Select from 15 crayon colors at the bottom of the screen and then tap a portion of the image to pour that paint color into the associated section. When you are doine coloring your work tap the camera button in the upper right corner to save a picture of your work.

Learn Drawing

Learn Drawing Game.

Learn Drawing is a simple educational drawing game featuring upercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet, numbers, shapes, drawings, and Chinese characters. Follow the arrow guides on the screen to complete each drawing one line at a time. Use your mouse left click button and move your mouse, or touch the screen with a finger and drag your finger along a touchscreen device to draw.

Drawing Step by Step

Drawing Step by Step Game.

Drawing Step by Step is a 36-stage simple drawing tutorial game where players use an on screen set of 8 direction buttons to draw a continuous line which resemble animals like cats and dogs. Look at the instruction in the bottom center square and then tap on the corresponding surrounding movement button the given number of times. Repeat the process until each drawing has been completed, then move onto the next drawing.

Connect The Dots

Connect The Dots Game.

Connect The Dots is a timed game where players quickly connect the dots in numerical order to draw a variety of simple animal pictures. Use your mouse left click button and drag your mouse around the screen. Start with dot 1, go up in sequential order, then draw a line connecting the highest number dot back to one.

One Stroke

One Stroke Game.

One Stroke is a 50-stage connect the dots game. Players may repeatedly cross over any particular dot, though each line segment can only be passed over once. Left click on a dot to select it then drag your mouse along a path to the next dot, repeating the process until all lines have been colored. Players must color all lines segments in a single pass.

Classic Nonogram

Classic Nonogram Game.

Classic Nonogram is a nonograms puzzle video game where players can select to play puzzles ranging from 4x4 to 16x16. Larger puzzles are more difficult and take more time to complete. Each puzzle size offers 24 puzzles to complete, meaning there are 288 puzzles to play through. Nonograms have lists of numbers along the rows and columns. Each number indicates how many cells in a row are orange. A row or column with a single number can have the orange cells anywhere. A row or column with multiple numbers has at least one blue cell between each run of orange cells. You can get up to 3 answers wrong on each stage before losing it. Finish stages quickly with no errors to maximize your score. When you have entered in all the correct orange spots on a row or column the adjacent numbers will turn orange and the blue spots will fill in. The puzzles have you draw orange spots by default, though you can use the button at the bottom center of the screen to switch back and forth between orange and blue tiles. Complete the grid to beat each puzzle and play the next.

Funphoto Stickers App

Funphoto Stickers App Game.

Funphoto Stickers App is a simple web app for children. Upload a photo from your computer or use a device camera to take a picture. Next set the zoom level on the picture. Finally, go through a variety of accessory types to add stickers onto the photo and adjust them, then save your work. oYu can add facial hair, normal hair, glasses, mouths, ties, hats, balls, animals, word sayings, and a variety of other objects. When you upload a photo to the app the photo exists on your computer and does not upload to our web server. You can save a copy of your completed image with a variety of stickers on it to make a new piece of art.

Pixel Art Maker

Pixel Art Maker Game.

Pixel Art Maker is a simple grid-based pixel art painting game. Select from 10 color swatches on the edge of the designer and color one square at a time within the 17x26 grid. If you make a mistake you can select the eraser to undo a move. Press the pound button to toggle the grid on and off, and press the S button in the lower left to save a copy of your work as a .png file.

Painting Paper

Painting Paper Game.

Painting Paper is an easy 10-stage pattern matching game where players tap paint rollers from the edges of the grid to paint in the correct order to match the paint pattern shown on the left side of the screen. Stages are timed, with a green status bar showing your remaining time near the top of the screen.

Love Bears

Love Bears Game.

Love Bears is a 160-stage game spread across 4 different episodes, with each containing 40 levels. Draw lines around objects on the screen and the bears to make the bears run into each other. Don't let the bears fall off screen or get stuck. Prevent red balls and green lines from blocking the path for the bears to touch. The lines you draw can interact with other parts of the environment like fixed platforms and hot air balloons. Left click to draw a path and release to start the level. You can only draw one continuous line per stage. Use your ink efficiently to score up to 3 stars on each level.

Happy Crayons

Happy Crayons Game.

Happy Crayons is a simple virtual coloring book game where players can choose between 36 different scenes to color. Select which of the 13 colors you want to use at the bottom of the screen, then select the brush size on the right side of the screen to adjust the size of your crayon head. If you make a mistake use the eraser on the left side of the screen. When you have completed your work press the done button in the lower right, which will enable you to save a png file of your completed work.

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