Free Online Kids Card Games
Card Video Games

We offer a collection of thousands of free online games to help familiarize children with food, farming, cooking, the culinary arts, the restaurant business, and hospitality-related careers. As our games section became more popular we realized it made sense to expand to offer other gaming categories which promoted developing strong mental health and mastering problem solving skills.
Playing brain games can help you master life problems outside of the gaming world. We offer a variety of card games including poker, hearts, spades, blackjack, along with spite and malice. Be sure to check out the cool strategy card game Flames and Fortune. :)
Banana Poker
Banana Poker is a fun and challenging no limit Texas Hold'em Poker game where players play against 5 computer players with each cartoon character competitor having a unique personality. Scroll over each character to see their analysis, agressiveness, and volatility. Games start out with a 10,000 chips savings, a 1,000 chip entry, and a 5/10 blind. The blind increases in size after every 10 hands. Players can play games of high low to earn more chips if they run out of chips.
Candy Poker
Candy Poker is a simplified poker game against a single computer player where players make pairs and three of a kind matches of candies. Discard the cards you do not like and get replacement cards. You can draw up to 5 cards after the initial deal. See if you can get 4 of a kind or a full house. In this game cards do not have relative values like a normal deck of cards. All cards have the same value, though whoever has the strongest hand (e.g. three of a kind beats a pair) wins the hand.
Hearts is a four player trick making game where the goal is to not score points. Before each hand players may trade 3 cards left, 3 cards right, 3 cards across, or hold. Whoever has the 2 of clubs leads. Players must follow suit if they have the suit in their hand. The Queen of Spades is worth 13 points and each of the Hearts are worth a point. Four players play against each other until someone scores at least 100 points total across a number of hands. When someone reaches 100 the game ends and whoever had the lowest score wins. If you score all 26 points in a hand then you Shoot The Moon, which means you score zero and 26 points are added to the scores of each of your competitors.
Spades is a 4-player card game where players play as teams. Before each hand you bid how many tricks you think you can get after looking at your cards, or you can try to go for a 200 point score by betting blind nil before seeing your cards. On a blind nil you must take zero tricks or you lose. You and your teammate must combine to take at least the number of tricks you bid jointly or you lose 10 points for each trick you bid. You score 10 points times your combined bid for reaching or exceeding the bid. If you take more tricks than you bid those additional tricks are called bags. Get 10 bags and you lose 100 points. The first team to 500 points wins. Players must follow suit if they can. Spades is the trump suit.
4 Colors
4 Colors is an Uno-inspired card shedding game where your goal is to be the first person who gets rid of all their cards. Play against 1 to 3 computer opponents. Match card values or colors, and use special cards to change suit color, skip competitors, reverse play, and dump cards on competing plays.
4 Colors Monument Edition
4 Colors Monument Edition is a variation of the original 4 Colors game which contains pictures of famous geographic monuments. Play cards in your hand that match the suit or number of the card atop the stack & be the first person to lay all of your cards to win the hand. Score points based on how many cards your competitors still hold in their hands when your cards have all been played.
Play Four Colors
Play Four Colors is a shedding card game against the computer which was inspired by the original Uno card game. Choose to play a game with 2 to 4 players, set a goal of 100 to 500 points, and play in classic or special mode. Players must discard a card which matches the color, number, or symbol atop the waste pile. If a player can not make a match they draw a card from the reserves, which can potentially be played immediately. The game contains a variety of power cards including: reverse play direction, skip next player, force the next player to draw 2 cards & skip their turn, wild card, wild card & force the next player to draw 4 cards. Quickly tap the four colors button when you have only one card left or you are penalized with 2 additional cards. The player who discards all their cards first earns the point value of the cards remaining in all opposing hands. Number cards are valued at their face value amount. Most special cards are valued at 20 points each. Wild cards & Wild Draw 4 are valued at 50 points each. In Special Mode the game goal is the same, though there are 7 additional Wild Cards added which allow you to give cards to specific players and combine features like switching directions along with giving cards and skipping a player.
Blackjack Vegas 21
Blackjack Vegas 21 is a single-player game of blackjack against the dealer. Drag chips from your stack to place your bid, then tap the HIT ME button to deal the first 2 cards. Under the settings button you can turn autobid off. If you leave autobid on you will automatically repeatedly make the same bid. If you wish to change your bid amount with autobid turned on you can pull chips off the playing area and then tap on your chip stacks to place new bids. Blackjack pays 3:2. The dealer must draw to 16 and stands on all 17s. tap STAND to take no more cards, HIT ME to take another card, or DOUBLE to double your bet while taking a final card. Some blackjack games offer the ability to split cards. This game does not have a split feature.
Flames and Fortune
Flames and Fortune is a battle strategy card game where players gather health, magic, spells, and shields. Play 3 of the 4 cards shown atop the board to get a new deal and see if you can last through the entire deck of 54 cards. Collect coins and use them to unlock additional spell cards. You play enemy cards onto your shield or body. You can store a card in your backpack and two in your hands. Gold cards are converted to gold if they are in your hands or backpack, though do not generate gold if you drag them straight to the treasure chest. Health and shield cards can also be discarded into the treasure chest in the lower right to convert them into gold. Health potion cards in your hands are immediately used. Other cards require initiating contact. When an enemy hits you, your character will attack the enemy back with the same number of hitpoints, provided you have enough health left over to survive. The magic cards allow you to attack enemies without getting hit back.
Baccarat is a single-player card game where players can bet on the outcome of a hand between the banker and the player. Each round of play (called a baccarat coup) has 3 possible outcomes: tie, player, or banker. Cards are worth thier face value, with Aces worth 1 and face cards or tens worth 10. If a score is above 9 then 10 is subtracted from the score. The highest possible hand value is 9. Each player is initially dealt 2 cards, though in certain senarios a third card may be dealt. At the end of each hand players can choose to bet the same bet again, or make new bets, then deal another hand.
Spite and Malice
Spite and Malice is a card shedding game where you play against the computer opponent. Your goal is to discard all the cards from your play stack on the left into the center stacks. The first card on any of the 3 center stacks must be an Ace and cards are laid in an ascending order up to the Queen. Kings are wild and can be laid at any time on any of the center stacks. Lay a card from your hand to one of the discard piles to end your turn. You can only play the top card off any of the discard piles. This game is also known as Cat and Mouse or Skip-bo. You can play 3 timed levels or play in untimed mode for a more relaxed game.
Spite and Malice Extreme
Spite and Malice Extreme is a card shedding game where you play against the computer opponent. Your goal is to discard all the cards from your play stack on the left into the center stacks. The first card on any of the 3 center stacks must be an Ace and cards are laid in an ascending order up to the Queen. Kings are wild and can be laid at any time on any of the center stacks. Lay a card from your hand to one of the discard piles to end your turn. You can only play the top card off any of the discard piles. This game is also known as Cat and Mouse or Skip-bo. You can play 3 timed levels or play in untimed mode for a more relaxed game. In the extreme version this game also allows opponents to play cards from each other's discard piles.
Play Skip Card
Play Skip Card is a card shedding game based on the game Cat and Mouse, also known as Skip-Bo. Tap on the blue and white PLAY button on the welcome screen to start a game. Next choose to play a game with 2 to 6 players, set the stock pile to 10 or 20 cards, and set the game goal to 25, 100, 250, or 500 points. The deck contains 162 cards numbered between 1 and 12 and SKIP cards (which act like wild cards). Lay cards to the 4 building piles in the center of the screen in ascending order starting with the number 1. Each player has a stock pile to the left, with the goal of the game to use all of your stock cards before the other players do. Each player has 4 discard piles which they can lay cards to when no more valid plays remain. Players are dealt 5 cards from the draw pile at the beginning of each hand. Each time a player's turn comes up they are refreshed cards to make a group of 5 & if you use all 5 you are dealt a new set of 5 to continue play. Players can lay to the building piles from their hand, the top of the stock pile, or the top of discard piles. Whenever a 12 is laid to a discard pile it is cleared and players can lay a 1 or a skip card to start a new building pile. Your turn ends when you lay a card to the discard pile. The hand ends when someone plays all their stock cards. The game ends when the goal score is reached by any player.
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